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Mesh vs Baffle Grease Filters

Mesh vs Baffle Grease Filters
James Ford
December 19, 2022
Mesh Vs Baffle Grease Filters
Mesh Vs Baffle Grease Filters

The DW172 is The HVCA specification for Kitchen Ventilation Systems. This standard includes industry standard guidelines for the design of Kitchen Ventilation systems, including Supply Air, Canopy Design, Grease Filtration, Smoke and Odour Nuiscance Control, and extract discharge.

For Primary Grease filtration the DW172 suggests that Baffle Style Grease Filters should be installed in the canopy to benefit from their easy clean style, high grease removal efficiency, and also their fire / flame protection properties. As a secondary filter, a mesh style grease filter can be installed after the baffle to offer further grease removal.

This has left the classic Mesh Style Grease Filter by the wayside in new kitchen extract systems and to meet this demand in the market, Airclean manufacture a stylish and robust Stainless Steel Baffle Filter.

Despite this, sales of mesh filters are still consistent, and Airclean are still manufacturing these to meet demand. So why is this?

Stainless Steel Baffle Filters are commonly not effective when retro fitted into older systems which have been designed using the classic Mesh Type Grease Filters. This can present many problems in the Kitchen, and in the Kitchen Extract System.

A Stainless Steel Baffle Filter has a significantly higher resistance to airflow over the Mesh Style Grease Filter (30Pa in Mesh, 80-125Pa in Baffles). When retro fitted this can cause a significant loss of airflow leaving users with poorly ventilated kitchen, and hot chefs. Worse still this simple filter change can result in fan failures due to the increased resistance.

For effective grease removal (90% efficiency) with a Baffle Grease Filter the correct face velocity must be achieved across the filter. When like for like sized, and numbers of baffle filters are retro fitted in to a canopy, it is common that the required air speed is not achieved and the filters efficiency is greatly reduced. This results in excessive grease carry over, increasing fire risks, breakdowns, and the need for costly duct cleaning.

For these reasons Airclean recommend that when replacing Mesh Grease Filters for Stainless Steel Baffle Filters, a complete system re design should be investigated before suffering the effects of poor grease filtration. If this is not possible then like for like mesh style grease filters should be installed, possibly with the consideration of the more hard wearing Stainless Steel Mesh Grease Filters.

So we expect the demand Baffle Grease Filters to continue to increase, and the Mesh style eventually decrease. But for the time being we continue to offer both these products and offer advice for the right selection for your installation or replacement needs.

P.S. Don’t forget, for a more durable Mesh Grease Filter, Airclean offer a Stainless Steel Grid Mesh Grease Filter.

For Grease Filter Sales e mail sales@airclean.co.uk
or call 01622 832777 for advice and sales.
