Home / Spray Booth Filters / A560G Ceiling Filters (Spray Booths)

A560G Ceiling Filters (Spray Booths)

A560G Ceiling Filters (Spray Booths)
June 21, 2023

Grade M5 to EN779 /
ePM10 50% to ISO16890

– Spray booth ceiling filter grade M5 to EN779
– Spray booth intake filter
– Backed with rubber scrim to catch particulates
– Suitable for car spray booths above the vehicle
– Size: 1x20m

We can cut your Ceiling Filter to size

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A560G is a specialised synthetic air filter media used in Automotive and Industrial Spray Booths to filter Supply / Intake air coming into a closed spray booth.  This material is often referred to as “Ceiling Filter”.

A560G media is tacky to the touch and comes with a heavy rubber scrim on one side, giving it a high dust holding capacity and properties to ensure particulates do not enter the booth or fall onto vehicles or the product being sprayed.

A560G offers fine filtration grade of M5 to EN779 / ePM10 50% to ISO16890, making it suitable for filtering air entering a spray booth above a vehicle through the ceiling in a down draught spray booth.


A560G Spray Booth Ceiling Filters are manufactured from thermally bonded synthetic polyester fibers which are laid to produce multi-directional fibrous “fabrics” in a graded form to allow the full depth of the material to hold dust.

Ceiling Spray Booth Filter Media is approximately 15mm in thickness and has a rubber backing which is on the clean / “air off” face of the filter media to increase its stability.

A dust adhesive is applied to A560G to make the filter material “Tacky” to the touch which helps hold the dust within the media.

The media is white in colour, and often has “M5 to EN779” or “ISO16890” marked across the rubber side of the filter media.

Technical Information

  • Fire Rating : DIN 53438 (F1)
  • Max Humidity : 100%
  • Max Temperature : 80 Deg C
  • Typical Face Velocity : 0.5 m/s
  • Initial Pressure Drop : 70Pa

A560G Ceiling Filter is available in complete rolls, or cut to size as panels to suit specific spray booths.

Spray Booth Ceiling Filter Selection Tables

ProductDescriptionPrice ex. VATPart Number
Spray Booth Ceiling Filter 560GSpray Booth Ceiling Filter 560G
White with Rubber Back
Size: 1 x 20m
Thickness: 15mm