New to the Airclean Website and Blog, is Web Chat. We are constantly on the look out for new ways for our customers to keep in contact with our team at Airclean, and following some successful beta trials you will now find the Airclean Web Chat available on both the main Airclean Website and on the Blog.
The web chat will immediately put you in contact with one of our air filter sales advisors and allow you to chat with them via an on screen chat box.
Give it a try by clicking on the Speech Bubble to the right of the screen. You need no add-ons or plug-ins, just give it a click, and you will be connected in seconds. We are typically available for chat during opening hours.
Of course the usual lines of communication are open as always and we are here in the office to take your phone calls, emails, faxes and pick up the post if you prefer.