We are making it simpler to assess your odour control needs with our new risk assessment form for restaurants and commercial kitchens. This form shows all the necessary information our technical team need to make an initial selection of Odour Control Equipment that may be suitable for use in your catering establishment.
By providing contact details and answering four simple multiple-choice questions about your kitchen:
- Air dispersion and discharge
- Proximity of receptors
- Size of kitchen
- Cooking type (for odour and grease)
Airclean will score your establishment in conjunction with DEFRAs guide. With this information and a duty airflow, Airclean will assist you in creating a specification for your Kitchen Exhaust Odour Control System.
DEFRA’s “Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems” is oftern used by local authority Environmental Health Officers as a basis of odour mitigation for restaurants seeking change of use, or planning consent.