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Indoor Air Quality European Standard

Indoor Air Quality European Standard
May 26, 2020

TECHNICAL BULLETIN: Indoor Air Quality European Standard
Date: 29th November 2011

What is EN13779?

EN13779 is a European Standard for ventilation and air conditioning in nonresidential buildings. The standard aids ventilation designers to address factors inside and outside of a building that effect the environmental conditions for the occupants. EN13779 is a close to an indoor air quality standard that exists and includes guidelines on air change rates and filtration standards.

EN13779 classifies Outdoor Air Quality (ODA) into three categories by determining particulate and pollutant gas levels in the air.

Particulate matter concentrations are measured by PM10 (particulate matter up to 10 micron), and PM2.5 (particulate matter up to 2.5 micron), both of which have an effect on human respiratory systems.

Gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds.

ODA 1Pure air which may be only temporarily dusty e.g. pellenRural areas or sparsely populated villages
ODA 2Outdoor air with high concentrations of particulate matter and/or gaseous pollutantsSmaller town with industry and polluted city center
ODA 3Outdoor air with very high concentrations of particulate matter and/or gaseous pollutantsLarger town with industry

Indoor air quality (IDA) is classified by levels of carbon dioxide present in the air and fresh air levels being introduced per person.

CatergoryDescriptionCO2 level ppmOutside Air m3/h/person
IDA 1Hight indoor air quality< 400> 54
IDA 2Medium indoor air quality400 - 60036 - 54
IDA 3Moderare indoor air quality600 - 100022 - 36
IDA 4Low indoor air quality> 1000< 22
Outdoor Air QualityIDA 1 (High)IDA 2 (Medium)IDA 3 (Moderate)IDA 4 (Low)
ODA 1 (pure air)F9F8F7M5
ODA 2 (dust)F7 + F9M6 + F7M5 + F7M5 + M6
ODA 3 (very high concentrationsF7 + GF* + F9F7 + GF* + F9M5 + F7M5 + M6

Following the classification ODA and required IDA filtration selections can be selected to achieve a healthier indoor air quality for occupants.

* GF= Gas Phase Filters
