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September 10, 2024
  • Airclean – The Legend in Your Time April 16, 2009

    Since 1981 Airclean has been manufacturing a full range of Air Filters for the Heating and Ventilation industry along with that for Air Conditioning Industries’ more special requirements.

    The range of Air Filters has been enlarged to encompass all variations of Disposable Panel Filters, Washables, Grease and Bag Filters, Activated Carbon Cells, Absolutes, Roll Filters and Media in pads or rolls along with a comprehensive range of Filter Housings and Duct Mounted Casings.

    To meet the growth in the Fast Food Industry, Airclean has broadened its range of Grease Filters and Activated Carbon products to suit this particular market, where grease laden atmospheres are a potential fire hazard and can cause an odour nuisance.

    Through the national distribution network of Airclean, the majority of filters we manufacture are available either ex-stock or within a few working days.

    At Airclean we endeavour at all times to meet our customers’ needs by supplying a quality assured product without unneccessary delays whilst improving the range of Air Filter products that we offer you.

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  • Airclean – The blog begins. April 14, 2009

    Welcome to the new Airclean Blog.

    We are always looking for new ways to reach our customers, and in this blog we hope to offer regular updates on product technical information.

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